リアルな写真のような高画質、時代背景 江戸時代末期、西郷隆盛、西郷は眉毛が太い、太った大男、坊主頭、目がぱっちり、優しい目つき、坊主頭、
着物: 伝統的な和装姿がよく見られます。
堂々とした姿勢: 西郷隆盛は堂々とした立ち振る舞いが特徴です。
High-quality images that look like real photographs. Historical background: Late Edo period, Saigo Takamori. Saigo has thick eyebrows, is a fat, large man, has a shaved head, has wide eyes, has kind eyes, and has a shaved head.
Kimono: Often seen wearing traditional Japanese clothing.
Dignified posture: Saigo Takamori is characterized by his dignified bearing.
リアルな写真のような高画質、時代背景 江戸時代末期、大久保利通、整った顔立ち: 大久保利通は知的で整った顔立ちが特徴です。
髪型: 基本的には短髪で、時折髷(まげ)のように後頭部で束ねた髪を持つ時期もありましたが、一般には短髪の姿で描かれることが多いです。
服装: 和装と洋装の両方で描かれることがあり、明治政府の高官としての洋装姿もよく見られます。
凛々しい表情: 彼は政治家としての凛々しく真剣な表情が印象的です。
High-quality images like a realistic photograph, historical background: Late Edo period, Okubo Toshimichi, well-formed features: Okubo Toshimichi is characterized by his intelligent and well-formed features.
Hairstyle: He generally has short hair, and sometimes he has his hair tied up at the back of his head like a topknot, but he is generally depicted with short hair.
Clothing: He is depicted in both Japanese and Western clothing, and is often seen in Western clothing as a high-ranking official in the Meiji government.
Dignified expression: His dignified and serious expression as a politician is impressive.
Bow tie, long beard, mustache connected to the beard,
リアルな写真のような高画質、時代背景 江戸時代初期、徳川家康、眉毛が濃く、目が鋭い: 家康はやや小柄ながらも強い意志を感じさせる目と、濃くて立派な眉毛が特徴、太って堂々としている、下部暮れの顔、
髪型: 家康は髷(まげ)を結った伝統的な髪型をしていることが多く、一般的にはちょんまげ姿で描かれることが多いです。
High-quality images like a real photograph, historical background: early Edo period, Tokugawa Ieyasu, thick eyebrows, sharp eyes: Ieyasu is slightly small in stature, but has strong-willed eyes and thick, impressive eyebrows, a plump and imposing face,
Hairstyle: Ieyasu often has a traditional hairstyle with a topknot, and is generally depicted with a topknot.
Kimono: In formal situations, he wears a ceramic outfit.
Ieyasu is often depicted with a moustache., thin, gray hair,